Friday, December 23, 2011

Tennessee - the wrap up

Car's unpacked, dogs are fed, most of my stuff's away.  Good to be home (but forgot how cold it was in my bedroom).


My total milage from the trip (as well as the current milage on my car):

I had a really great time this week.  What did I learn?

1.  I can take a vacation by myself with no problems.
2.  I can plan the crap out of a vacation.
3.  My bigger dogs are inexplicably afraid of tile floors.
4.  I hate driving home from long vacations...
5.  You really do get what you pay for on vacation rentals.

Really, what I learned is that I want to go on vacations more often.  Will have to plan something else for next year...

If you're still reading, thanks for following along.  I hope you had a little bit of fun!  This blog will continue to stay up for the next vacation!  I don't know where or when, but I'm sure I'll blog about it!